Kingdoms of the Lost Prophecy: The diamond of truth
Chapter An
Derlia Veruli Tertulia was one of the worst people in the world. She lived on Vancouver Island. She would take all of your lollies, make you trip by tying your shoelaces together, throw your hat onto the road and heaps more. She was 15 years old, and was the tallest person at her school, reaching up to 2.23 metres /7.3 feet.
She had long blond hair, and you could always see her wearing ripped jeans and a reddish-black dress. She had been expelled 43 times, breaking the current world record of 14 in 6 years. Her parents were outraged and were constantly trying to find a solution, but every attempt had failed miserably.
One day, precisely on Friday 27 September 2013, when Mr and Mrs Tertulia were walking down the city roads when they saw a skyscraper with a sign reading ‘Evil Children Fixers’. They immediately hastened to the building were they asked for an unbooked appointment. They were immediately put with their best man.
“This might be dangerous, Mr T. Are you sure you want to risk it?”
“Please do whatever you can, Mr..”
“Call me Tefla.” Answered the worker. Little did they know that Tefla was plotting a most horrible plan……………..
Chapter Twain*
When Mr, Mrs and Derlia Tertulia got home, Tefla was already inside, which was suspicious, because the door was locked. Derlia went upstairs, noticed Tefla, shrieked and ran to her room as fast as she could. She tried to ask her parents, but they changed the subject every time.
The next day, when Derlia woke up, she saw Tefla’s big, beady eyes staring at her. She screamed.
“Don’t be afraid” hoarsely croaked Tefla, followed by Derlia’s “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME, YOU INTRUDER?????”
Tefla grinned evilly. “That’s for me to know and you to wonder about it.” And with that, he lifted her up, carried her to the door he had made and threw her inside. The door disappeared momentarily.
*old fashioned word for two.
When Derlia looked around, she saw that she was sitting on a floating tawny-brown rock next to a cliff, she could see her reflection in the crocodile-green sky; next to her was a black cage with a fern-green goblin inside, his ears were exceptionally long, they poked out the sides of the enclosure. The goblin asked if Derlia could pick the lock on the cage, which she was exceptionally talented at, so she did.
It was actually a Eary Treyul, and his name was Clerfal Lindik. He was related to sphinxes and the minotaur. When Derlia asked him where he lived, he replied with a glint in his eye, “That, is a question that cannot be answered verbally.” And with that, he grabbed Derlia’s hand and leaped off the cliff, flinging her off with great force.
They landed on lilac-purple sand. When Derlia stood up, she noticed there was a bottle with a message inside of it. Clerfal said that it better to open it at his house.
Ten minutes later, Derlia was walking along hundreds of tin shacks when suddenly, something hit her in the butt!!!!!!! “What was that?” “It’s probably the Whacking Wicked Witch-hazels” replied Clerfal, followed by someone shouting “YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
When Clerfal finally opened the bottle, there was a message in it reading: At 5:00 PM on the 1st of October,2013, the kingdom Zarazuda will get destroyed. You must return the Diamond of Truth to Mount Xyuilokojaga before the given time.
Yours sincerely,
Derutas Guizhou
Dusk Leprechaun
Chapter Treyes
“We have to get to the temple of Occipaliso in four days. It’s approximately 97.8 km away from here!” said Clerfal, panicking.
“Do I care?” replied Derlia. “I don’t even want to be here! I just want go home!!!!!”
She stormed out of the house, furious with her parents, Tefla and Clerfal. Derlia could hear the treyul’s footsteps following after her. She didn’t care. Suddenly, a giant monster appeared out of nowhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was in a tyrian-purple robe, with only his head and stick-like claws sticking out, he had eight Egyptian blue claws underneath; his blood-red eyes floated in the air. A great wind rose under his claws, Derlia gripped onto the ground with her sharp nails; she was getting sucked in , there was nothing she could do about it…………….
“HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she cried, hoping that Clerfal would come and rescue her. No-one did. She was right near the end, she was never going to see her parents again…….. “Bye mum. Bye Dad.’’
Just then, she saw a splash of fern-green. Is that Clerfal? thought Derlia. When the thing came up close, it grabbed her hand and flung her out onto her feet. It was Clerfal!! The creature was a Razor Crippleback, the most dangerous creature in the kingdom, and said that they better get going as they got off track, the temple of Occipaliso was quite a long way away from here. Approximately 131 km.
Day 2 Hour 4 Minute 31-38
56.18897458684857483929284747865473644773643746664736464 km
Just when they were walking on a sea side path along the lavender sea when, unexpectedly, they crashed into a talking brick wall!!! Derlia picked up a medium- sized rock and threw it at the obstacle, which she was very accurate at because of her experience and threw it into the mouth. The barrier swallowed it. She got another stone and lobbed it at the wall, this time next to the upper left edge. It crumbled partly, but most of the wall was still upright.
She threw the rocks until, eventually, the wall was smashed to bits and the pair moved on.
Day 4 Hour 2-3 Minute 17-33
130.546716272178475747573038883848384838336446535454 km
The two were fatigued when they approached the rich 45 hectares surrounding the temple of Ocippaliso. Then Clerfal woke up, shaking Derlia like crazy. “I forgot! The temple grounds are covered with fifty thousand Wicked Whacking Witch Hazels!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Let me take care of this.” Derlia rushed over to the forest. “HEY YOU STUPID PILE OF BARK! I’M OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The trees turned to her, as if looking to find out what was going on, but were reassured and grabbed her, twisting around all her limbs. “You go into the temple. I’ll distract the trees!!!!!!!!!” They immediately wrapped around Clerfal.
Derlia immediately took out her pocket knife and cut the branch that was wrapped around the Treyyul, causing him to fall onto the ground. She plummeted soon after.
Day 4 Hour 3 Minute 48- 57
131 km
As they entered the Treasury, Derlia asked how would they get to the mountain, to which he answered that there were portals around the temple. When Clerfal touched The Diamond of Truth, an alarm went off , deafening the kingdom.
15 October 2013
Derlia brought thousands of sweets into her school, giving them out evenly to each teacher and student. She volunteered her recess time to tie up kids’ shoelaces and her lunch time to stop bullying. After school, she picked rubbish lying on the ground, but she started feeling sad that she had left Clerfal.
When she got home, she found out that the door was gone. Her parents were extremely mad at Tefla for “trapping our child in a parallel universe”.
She ran out of the house and looked under the manhole. Nothing.
Behind the tall building. Nada.
Derlia was inconsolable. She sat down on her bed for the rest of the evening, missing dinner even though she was starving.
Suddenly, she heard a voice. “Hello. Thought I should pop in.” Derlia loked around and saw a red goblin. She shrieked.
coming soon:
Kingdoms of the lost Prophecy: Colliding worlds
Published writing
14 June 2023, Week 4: Returning home
17 May 2023, Week 2: Through the door
Chapter Twain*
When Mr, Mrs and Derlia Tertulia got home, Tefla was already inside, which was suspicious, because the door was locked. Derlia went upstairs, noticed Tefla, shrieked and ran to her room as fast as she could. She tried to ask her parents, but they changed the subject every time.
The next day, when Derlia woke up, she saw Tefla’s big, beady eyes staring at her. She screamed.
“Don’t be afraid” hoarsely croaked Tefla, followed by Derlia’s “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME, YOU INTRUDER?????”
Tefla grinned evilly. “That’s for me to know and you to wonder about it.” And with that, he lifted her up, carried her to the door he had made and threw her inside. The door disappeared momentarily.
*old fashioned word for two.
When Derlia looked around, she saw that she was sitting on a floating tawny-brown rock next to a cliff, she could see her reflection in the crocodile-green sky; next to her was a black cage with a fern-green goblin inside, his ears were exceptionally long, they poked out the sides of the enclosure. The goblin asked if Derlia could pick the lock on the cage, which she was exceptionally talented at, so she did.
It was actually a Eary Treyul, and his name was Clerfal Lindik. He was related to sphinxes and the minotaur. When Derlia asked him where he lived, he replied with a glint in his eye, “That, is a question that cannot be answered verbally.” And with that, he grabbed Derlia’s hand and leaped off the cliff, flinging her off with great force.
They landed on lilac-purple sand. When Derlia stood up, she noticed there was a bottle with a message inside of it. Clerfal said that it better to open it at his house.
Ten minutes later, Derlia was walking along hundreds of tin shacks when suddenly, something hit her in the butt!!!!!!! “What was that?” “It’s probably the Whacking Wicked Witch-hazels” replied Clerfal, followed by someone shouting “YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
When Clerfal finally opened the bottle, there was a message in it reading: At 5:00 PM on the 1st of October,2013, this world will get destroyed. You must return the Diamond of Truth to Mount Xyuilokojaga before the given time.
Yours sincerely,
Derutas Guizhou
Dusk Leprechaun
3 May 2023, Week 1: A troublesome character
Derlia Veruli Tertulia was one of the worst people in the world. She lived on Vancouver Island. She would take all of your lollies, make you trip by tying your shoelaces together, throw your hat onto the road and heaps more. She was 15 years old, and was the tallest person at her school, reaching up to 2.23 metres /7.3 feet.
She had long blond hair, and you could always see her wearing ripped jeans and a reddish-black dress. She had been expelled 43 times, breaking the current world record of 14 in 6 years. Her parents were outraged and were constantly trying to find a solution, but every attempt had failed miserably.
One day, precisely on Friday 27 September 2013, when Mr and Mrs Tertulia were walking down the city roads when they saw a skyscraper with a sign reading ‘Evil Children Fixers’. They immediately hastened to the building were they asked for an unbooked appointment. They were immediately put with their best man. Chapter1
Derlia Veruli Tertulia was one of the worst people in the world. She lived on Vancouver Island. She would take all of your lollies, make you trip by tying your shoelaces together, throw your hat onto the road and heaps more. She was 15 years old, and was the tallest person at her school, reaching up to 2.23 metres /7.3 feet.
She had long blond hair, and you could always see her wearing ripped jeans and a reddish-black dress. She had been expelled 43 times, breaking the current world record of 14 in 6 years. Her parents were outraged and were constantly trying to find a solution, but every attempt had failed miserably.
One day, precisely on Friday 27 September 2013, when Mr and Mrs Tertulia were walking down the city roads when they saw a skyscraper with a sign reading ‘Evil Children Fixers’. They immediately hastened to the building were they asked for an unbooked appointment. They were immediately put with their best man.
Derlia Veruli Tertulia was one of the worst people in the world. She lived on Vancouver Island. She would take all of your lollies, make you trip by tying your shoelaces together, throw your hat onto the road and heaps more. She was 15 years old, and was the tallest person at her school, reaching up to 2.23 metres /7.3 feet.
She had long blond hair, and you could always see her wearing ripped jeans and a reddish-black dress. She had been expelled 43 times, breaking the current world record of 14 in 6 years. Her parents were outraged and were constantly trying to find a solution, but every attempt had failed miserably.
One day, precisely on Friday 27 September 2013, when Mr and Mrs Tertulia were walking down the city roads when they saw a skyscraper with a sign reading ‘Evil Children Fixers’. They immediately hastened to the building were they asked for an unbooked appointment. They were immediately put with their best man.
“This might be dangerous, Mr T. Are you sure you want to risk it?”
“Please do whatever you can, Mr..”
“Call me Tefla.” Answered the worker. Little did they know that Tefla was plotting a most horrible plan……………..
8 March 2023, Week 3: Clues and conflict
Chapter 3
“Hand over the wand!” ordered Aunt Georgia. The whole neighbourhood had figured out the whole “evil neighbours” thing and were currently standing in my front yard. It was 20 v 3, so they were powerless (sort of).
“NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” protested Skulldeath, roaring louder than 20 speakers on full volume.
“We’ll call the cops! NOW HAND OVER THE WAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Skulldeath moaned. He threw his wand over to Aunt Georgia. I really couldn’t believe this got solved so quickly……
CRRRRRRASHHHHHHHHHHH! The wand smacked into the ground and snapped from the impact! Suddenly, purple electricity started coming out of the insides.(Dramatic music)
“Uh- oh! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Aunt Georgia screamed. “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Suddenly, the sky went pitch black. Towering violet flames rose out of the ground.
I bolted away from the fire. As I ran for my life, I realized that the flames were burning away the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dashed away even faster.
The blazes were starting to crawl out of my house and onto the street. Buildings, lawns, cars, trees…you name it, if it was on Leyle Lane, it was burnt.
Someone yelled out “Alright, everyone, follow me! We’ve got to come up with a plan!”
As soon as we got into a group, the same person said “Alright, everybody, what should we do?”
“No. There’s no point in fighting this.” I glanced around at who was talking. It was Aunt Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe she gave up so easily! “Terreste flames can only be reversed by professional wizards.”
Suddenly, I had an idea. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TAKE OUT YOUR WANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!”
For a second, nobody said or did anything.
And then, something unbelievable happened.
We split up into four groups, each with two wizards or witches. This is how it worked:
One of the wizards created a Defra plant (whose ashes can do almost anything) and then passed it on to a bunch of people who cut them up into tiny ashes. They passed on the ashes to another group of people who threw them into the fire. The other wizard then restored the burnt down ground.
As dusk approached, everyone let out a huge sigh of relief. WE HAD DONE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all that action, a lot of things have changed:
Firstly, I am now an official wizard, though I’m only allowed to use magic in emergencies. It’s still cool, though.
Secondly, more people are moving in! I’ve got loads more friends now, so I guess all that hard work payed off.
And finally, I have now learnt all the neighbour’s names:
Abby, Alan, Archer, Arturina, Ava, Ave………………..
This is gonna take a while.
22 February 2023, Week 2: What will the neighbours think?
Chapter 2
Part I
Believe me, yelling in front of three wizard assassins when you’re trying to hide is about the most stupid thing anyone has ever done in the whole dimension.
Unfortunately, I didn’t know that right then.
“KILL HIM! HE CANNOT GIVE AWAY OUR SECRETS!” yelled an outraged Skulldeath. “I HAVE CAUSED MAYHEM FOR NINETEEN MILLION YEARS, DESTROYED FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND PLANETS! A LITTLE BOY CANNOT STOP ME!” Skulldeath was roaring so loud, I think you could hear it from outer space! I have to tell Mum and Dad, I thought. But as soon as I started running, Skulldeath had already noticed. “Oh no, you don’t! Duratus feet!” As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt as though my feet were rooted to the spot.
“ Now, for some fun.” sniggered Skulldeath. “Apolyo tiger!”
There was a long, blinding, red flash of light. The air became foggy. As it cleared, I saw a giant tiger charging straight for me! “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!” I screamed.
None came.
The tiger was getting closer, closer. I could smell the blood on its fangs. Goodbye, Aunt Georgia! Goodbye, Mum! Goodbye, Dad! Goodbye, Tommy (even though I always despised you) ! Oh why, why did I have to die like this?
Suddenly, the feline vanished in mid-air.
Skulldeath would never ever delete his own beast, I thought. Nor would Minotaur or Slimefoot, but then who?
Skulldeath didn’t react at all. He just ordered to Minotaur “Give me the Defra ashes. Now.”
“Uh-OK.” he replied. As soon as the black dust touched his hand, he threw it at me. It landed right next to me. The cinders burnt through the wooden floor! I couldn’t believe my eyes!
“Give me more.” muttered Skulldeath.
Minotaur obeyed, but little did they know I was prepared. Unfortunately, just before I set my plan into motion. Slimefoot muttered “ Duratus legs!”. My legs froze. How could I get out of this situation?
The door creaked open. A towering, colossal giant came in. They stood right next to me and yelled “Intersapio!” A rainbow-coloured, transparent shield appeared in front of me. The embers slid down onto the floor, making
It was getting light. Everyone was waking up. Minotaur, Slimefoot and Skulldeath had no choice but to hide. I heard one of them say “You may have won the battle, but you’ll never win the war!”
As the sun rose up, everything got clearer. And after the colossal night I just had, my mooshed-up brain couldn’t receive even a cubic micrometre of information.
But unfortunately, at the moment, it just had to.
The giant was Aunt Georgia.
Part II
That day, I watched the new neighbours’ every move. I had told my family and Aunt Georgia what had happened at breakfast. Everyone but Tommy took it seriously. He said “Awwwwwww………Did someone have a nighty-nightmare?” That’s how Tommy is. He acts like he’s in high school, but he’s actually younger than me.
Bingo! Skulldeath was (also known as Carl, as Aunt Georgia told me) at number 375. I threw over my extendable microphone. It missed.
Again. Nope.
And again. So close!
When I threw it for the fourth time, it skidded across the fence and into the yard! Hooray! I hid it behind a bush, but still heard their dialogue.
-“generous, thank you for the offer, darling.” said the lady who owned the place.
“I can mow the lawn any time you like!” replied Skulldeath. I waited for someone to speak up, but for about ten minutes, there was pure silence. Suddenly, the deafening, grinding sound of a lawn mower hit my ears! It was so painful, I took the headphones off!
Luckily, I didn’t need them.
After another five minutes, I was thinking about going home when the woman squealed “WHY ARE YOU MOWING MY CAR?”
Carl didn’t reply. He dropped the lawn mower and bolted back to his house.
I didn’t blame him. If I were him, I would run away as well.
8 February 2023, Week 1: Hiding the extraordinary in the ordinary
Chapter 1
Part I
Hello. My name’s Charlie Harold Veilay. I am 10. I live on 379 Leyle Lane, Camellia Ville. It’s not exactly the best street. For example, kookaburras are always chattering at about 190 decibels. The solution? Earmuffs. But that’s not all. The scorching, boiling sun is always shining, making it physically impossible to go outside without getting skin cancer. And I’ve been lectured by Mum about it 65 septillion times. We also always have to park our turquoise Toyota really, really far away and trudge back home. This is strange, considering that about 80% of the houses are on sale, but after all, we do have a gargantuan store.
We only have about 70 houses not for sale on our street, and l know 2 of their inhabitants.
First, there’s Aunt Georgia, on 381 Leyle Lane. She’s a black haired, kind, forgiving person in her mid 40’s. The only weird (And not the only good) thing about her is that she gives free muffins to everyone on the street on Saturday afternoons.
Then, There’s Paul, a bald, red-nosed, 67-year old couch potato from 380 Leyle Lane. He watches news 24/7 (Seriously, can’t they make more kid shows ?). Here are all of his eccentricities:
• Hates melons, but still eats them
• Does dancing while watching news
• Has his Christmas tree up from August until March
• Sometimes wears fins!
Part II
You’ve heard all about my street, so you’ll probably think that if someone moved in, I would start breakdancing and singing . Well, if you did, you STILL don’t know me very well. Because this is how it all started:
I was walking home from the bus stop (Not as long as walking from our car) when I saw 2 humongous grey and yellow trucks with “Marvellous Movers” written on them and a giant, rose red LEASED! stamp on the SALE! Sign. I was surprised for about 0.7 seconds and, after that, just walked away like nothing had happened. I went to bed on the couch (Went to couch sounds weird) at 8:
I was awoken by unfamiliar voices.
“Is the potion ready, Slimefoot? Are the Defra ashes ready, like I asked you 3 weeks ago?
”“Nnn-n-nno.” Slimefoot quivered in fear. “I a-am s-sorry, nmnM-mmm-mast-tar S-skulldeath.” In curiosity, I looked out of the window through the hole in the wooden fence to see two men. Must have been the new neighbours.
I saw Paul walking into the frontyard. What was he doing here? Shouldn’t he be watching the midnight news? And, even if, for some weird reason, they suddenly stopped doing it, why would he be here?
“No ,I did.” he bellowed in a low-pitched voice.” Is it safe to take our disguises off now?”
“Yes.” Replied Skulldeath.”Also, your deed was very noble.” And with that, before I could blink, the three men- Skulldeath, Slimefoot and Paul were long gone. Instead of Paul stood a jacked, bull-headed man. Where Slimefoot stood was now taken by a pile of vomit green goo. And Deathskull was a skeleton in black robes. After that no-one spoke for ten minutes. I was about to go back to sleep when Minotaur said “Remind me what we’re doing again, Skulldeath?”
“Well… this street is a complete nightmare, right?
“Yes.” muttered Minotaur.
“Well, we will destroy it!” yelled Skulldeath.
“The question is not how, Minotaur, it is what will happen next. After we demolish Leyle Lane, everyone will thank us. Everyone will choose us for president. Then we will destroy Australia, and then the whole world!”
“Oh no you won’t!” I gained up my courage.
Minotaur, Slimefoot and Skulldeath gasped and glared at me.
“But you hate this street, do you, Charlie?” said Skulldeath. “SEIZE HIM!”
Minotaur charged through the hole in the fence. I quickly shut the window. Minotaur’s fist punched through the glass. He fell on me and fainted. Squashed by the weight, I fainted as well.