Published writing

Young Writers Club Extravaganza Day - October 2022

First name, first letter of surname
Tasman map. The scales are a gold almost beige colour. Smooth scales ripple on its back shining in the sun. The tail sloshes through the water in a threatening yet gracious way. The tail slithers along the sandy beach floor matching the colour of the warm exfoliating sand. When it closes it’s eyes you would lose sight of it in a second. The sage green eyes gaze at the water with a distant faraway look. A dark forest green liquid is ejected from the back of the monster blinding me and envelops everything in sight with the click of a finger. When the last remanence of the liquid has disappeared the monster is gone.
First name, first letter of surname
Wonderful, large, wild man I picked up the daily newspaper and read the description. I became more terrified and shocked as I continued reading. By the end of the page I was breathless and horrified by the contents of the article. While over the seas a group of explorers discovered a Giant! And the brought it back! What if it escaped? What if becomes restless and tries to break free? What if they come and attack the civilians on the streets?! These horrifying thoughts blasted through my head like a whirlwind. I needed to prepare in case there was a takeover! As I rushed back home I started building a bunker with defence in my backyard. The newspaper lied on my countertop. On the very bottom in bold print read. ‘The above context is fictional. Any reference to any alive or dead people and animals are purely coincidental.’